
Photoshoot Ready

Getting Ready for your Portrait Shoot : A Clients Guide


What do I do with my hands?

Being in front of a camera can be intimidating and nerve racking, but it doesn't have to be. The key is to relax and be yourself. Take a deep breath, and remember that the photographer’s role is to capture your unique personality in the magical Scottish Landscape.


‘I am not comfortable in front of the camera…’

I’ve heard these words from countless clients and I've most definitely felt the same way myself (especially now that I am older). So it is TOTALLY understandable to mutter these words at the start of your shoot. It is ok, I understand what you are really saying is ‘Please capture my best side’!

That's why, I have put together below a short guide to help master the art of posing for photos naturally. Hopefully ensuring your experience is enjoyable and stress-free. The most important thing to recognise is that I worry too! I want, as much as you, to create ‘the vision’ that you will cherish. Images that truly embrace your natural charm and make you shine amongst the natural landscape.

We are in this together!


Step 1 : Arrive with a plan (and enthusiasm)

It is important that you know what you want from your session with me. What outfit/s you will be wearing (How does it look best? ie flowing in the wind, sitting down, standing up etc), and the mood you want to convey. Do you want more closer shots or longer ones in the landscape? It is highly recommended to practice some poses in advance (in your outfit/s) so you already have a feel when we get started. A little Pinterest board of desired looks is also helpful, even if it is just for your own inspiration.

Step 2 : Embrace the beauty of your environment

No matter what weather we find ourselves in - Scotland is beautiful. Engage with this beauty. Smile that the rain will give a moody feel to the images, laugh that the wind will make that dress flow and positively BEAM that you can feel the mud between your toes! Yes.. that is possible. You ‘may’ be asked to take your shoes off… but moving on.

Being outdoors and having your photographs taken while laughing, running barefoot or holding on to your windblown hair is FUN. #TrueStory


Step 3 : Feel and show your true emotion

In order for me to ‘paint your story’ I need to know what you want to convey in your images. Whether it's feelings of joy, confidence, empowerment, love or serenity, let your expressions reflect your desired mood. Genuine emotions will make your photos more captivating.

Step 4. Layer up: Dress for Scotland

Ok so we are not talking about ‘the chosen outfit’ but more about the clothing that will keep you warm and waterproof between camera clicks! Consider the weather forecast before leaving and bring those little extra’s that make things comfortable. If it's sunny, wear sunscreen and bring a hat or sunglasses (rare!). More than likely you will be cold. Always bring a warm waterproof and walking/hiking shoes as it is mostly always muddy. Also consider midge repellent in the summer months and drinks and snacks to keep you motivated!


Most important Step 5: Have Fun (and don’t forget the props!)

I am a big believer that the best photos happen in a fun and non intimidating environment. We'll chat, laugh, and create a positive environment that encourages your true personality to radiate through the lens. Feel free to bring bring upbeat music and props to enhance the fun factor. Props can add creativity and playfulness to your photos and can be a very handy addition to feel more confident if you feel awkward at the start. Music helps create a relaxed and enjoyable ambience. Spontaneous moments in between can often be the most memorable and authentic.

Let the magic happen….

Kristy Ashton